Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Flushing your toilet with design water

About year ago the bottlers of trendy "Voss" water from Norway wanted to limit local access to its source in a southern valley in Agder, since the local residents used "Voss" water even for flushing the toilet. At the same time the trendiest hotels and restaurants were charging as much as $10 dollars for a single "Voss" bottle. The trick was excellent branding: Pure water. Hip bottle.

Now Finns are replicating the concept "Pure water. Hip bottle." by releasing the Veen spring water. VEEN bottle received the international ”Best bottle in glass” 2007 -award in Mexico City September 2007. The bottle is designed by Architect Antti Eklund from Finland. If you want to taste the VEEN at least Ilmatar restaurant (Bulevardi 2-4, Helsinki) serves it in Finland.

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